Aug 05

Custom vinyl covered steel steps..see whats possible

Steel steps are a great addition to any in-ground pool project. They keep the flow and overall design of the pool natural and seamless. If you are planning a new pool installation or looking to renovate your old in-ground pool take a look at some of the pictures below to see how vinyl covered steel steps could add to your pool project.

These are a couple pictures from a very interesting custom design we did for a roman end vinyl liner hybrid pool.

As you can see we designed the steel steps with extended benches on both sides. This gave the pool a great custom look and also allowed for plenty of seating around the pool.

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Also notice that hand troweled concrete bottom on the shallow end. This is going to provide a nice sturdy base for the pool that will be free of divots, washouts, and bumps. We will cover the cement bottom with 1/4″ foam so it is nice and soft on the swimmers feet.

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Another thing I wanted to show you in this post was a recent job where we added vinyl covered steel steps to an existing pool. This customer in Peabody MA needed a new liner and also wanted to add some steps to his pool while we were there.

This customer was also redoing their pool patio so we went ahead and dug out around the whole pool. From there we removed the shallow end wall panels and replaced them with a nice set of vinyl covered steel steps.

In the picture below you can see where the old existing pool wall meets the new steel step installation.


Here is another Roman end with a bump out to the steel steps. We built this pool in Middleton MA 2 years ago and features custom radius steel steps as well as custom steel bench seats.


Keep in mind all of the steel is covered with 1/4″ foam before the liner goes over it so it is nice and soft on your feat.

Here are a couple pools filled with steel steps. Notice how the steps are almost invisible and don’t break up the structure of the pool at all.


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As you can see adding steel steps to your new or existing pool installation is a great way to create a seamless natural look in your pool. It also gives you creative customization options that can add flare and character to your in-ground pool.

To see more in-ground pool design ideas and construction pictures head on over to our pool gallery here.

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